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  1. College of Geosciences – 2-hour difficult dialogues workshop for faculty and postdocs, Jan 2021

  2. College of Geosciences – 1.5-hour difficult dialogues workshop for staff, Feb 2021

  3. Department of Communication – COMM 245; 1.5-hour workshop for students, March 2021

  4. Open Session:  Difficult dialogue on campus race relations, Interactive 2-hour workshop open to any member of the campus community, Texas A&M Univ, March 2021

  5. PBS Kids; Team building and inclusive communication, 2-hour virtual facilitated workshop for WGBH staff in Boston, January 2021


  1. Open Session: Difficult dialogue on campus race relations, Interactive 2-hour virtual workshop open to any member of the campus community, Texas A&M University, October 2020.​

  2. Open Session: Difficult dialogue on campus race relations, Interactive 2-hour virtual workshop open to any member of the campus community, Texas A&M University, September 2020.

  3. Corps of Cadets staff; Respecting our diversity: Difficult dialogue on campus race relations, half-day hybrid workshop for ~ 60 staff, Office of the Commandant, Corps of Cadets, Texas A&M U, July 2020.

  4. Asian Presidents’ Council, Department of Multicultural Services, COVID-19 conversations, 1.5-hour virtual facilitated workshop hosted by the Texas A&M University, April 2020

  5. Climate & Inclusion Committee, Department of Communication, Difficult dialogue on COVID-19 situation, 1.5 hour virtual facilitated workshop hosted by the Texas A&M University, April 2020

  6. Open Session: Difficult dialogue on campus race relations, Interactive 2-hour workshop open to any member of the campus community, Texas A&M University, February 2020.

  7. Department of Marketing and Communications, Rewriting the Script: Moving towards Authentic Inclusive Communications. Interactive half-day workshop as part of annual retreat for ~50 staff members, Texas A&M University, January 2020.​


  1. Deep Dive Session, 1.5-hour follow-up session a week after the Difficult Dialogue workshop, Texas A&M University, November 2019.

  2. Open Session: Difficult dialogue on campus race relations, Interactive 2-hour workshop open to any member of the campus community Texas A&M University October 2019

  3. Deep Dive Session, 1.5-hour follow-up session a week after the Difficult Dialogue workshop, Texas A&M University, September 2019.

  4. Open Session: Difficult dialogue on campus race relations, Interactive 2-hour workshop open to any member of the campus community Texas A&M University September 2019

  5. Department of Recreational Sports, Division of Student Affairs, RECognizing and countering campus racism: Effective tools and strategies. 2-hour interactive workshop for 40 staff members as part of annual retreat, Texas A&M University, May 2019.

  6. Deep Dive Session, 1.5-hour follow-up session a week after the Difficult Dialogue workshop, Texas A&M University, April 2019.

  7. Open Session: Difficult dialogue on campus race relations, Interactive 2-hour workshop open to any member of the campus community Texas A&M University April 2019

  8. Deep Dive Session, 1.5-hour follow-up session a week after the Difficult Dialogue workshop, Texas A&M University, March 2019.

  9. Open Session: Difficult dialogue on campus race relations, Interactive 2-hour workshop open to any member of the campus community Texas A&M University March 2019


2016-2018 WORKSHOPS

  1. Open Session: Difficult dialogue on campus race relations, Interactive 2-hour workshop open to any member of the campus community Texas A&M University April 2018​​​

  2. Open Session: Difficult dialogue on campus race relations, Interactive 2-hour workshop open to any member of the campus community Texas A&M University November 2017

  3. Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate, Navigating our current campus and national climate, AGEP Luncheon Series [for graduate students of color in STEM fields], Texas A&M University, September 2017.

  4. College of Sciences, Addressing racial/ethnic microaggressions in the classroom and elsewhere on campus. Lunch and Learn Workshop Series [for staff, faculty, and graduate students]. Texas A&M University, December 2016

  5. Texas Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate Annual Conference, Combating campus racism: Effective tools and strategies [for graduate students of color in STEM fields to learn about and practice effective tools to respond to racial microaggressions]. Prairie View A&M University, November 2016.

  6. Open Session: Processing the election [1-hour workshop for about 70 faculty, staff and students to process thoughts and feelings about the 2016 presidential elections and find ways to transcend partisanship and unite as Aggies and as a nation], Texas A&M University, November 2016.

  7. Open Session: Difficult dialogue on campus race relations, Interactive 2-hour workshop open to any member of the campus community Texas A&M University November 2016

  8. Open Session: Difficult dialogue on campus race relations, Interactive 2-hour workshop open to any member of the campus community Texas A&M University, October 2016

  9. College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Difficult dialogues and campus racism, Ag President’s Council (undergraduate and graduate student leaders), October 2016

  10. Memorial Student Center Diversity Committee, Role of student leaders in addressing bias and improving campus climate. MSC Unity Dinner (for student leaders of diversity-related organizations), April 2016

  11. Open Session: Difficult dialogue on campus race relations, Interactive 2-hour workshop open to any member of the campus community Texas A&M University, April 2016

  12. ExCEL Mentors. Fightin’ racism [2-hour experiential workshop on anti-racism for 40 peer mentors for freshmen students of color]. Texas A&M University, April 2016

  13. Open Session, Difficult dialogue on campus race relations, Interactive 2-hour workshop open to any member of the campus community, Texas A&M University, March 2016

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